
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

happy halloween!


today is one of my favorite holidays, and i'm so happy that my little guy finally gets the magic of dressing up and dancing to spooky music this year. our monster mash pandora station will be playing all day long; we are dancing fools over here!
this year my little guy wanted to be an airplane, so we found the cutest little plane we could and i stitched him up a little aviator hat (loosely using this pattern) and some felt goggles. he loves them and especially loves flying around in his little plane.

hope everyone has a spooky and safe holiday!


  1. Have fun with you little one! So many years of fun to come! I cannot wait to have a little one too, that way my night isn't wasted with waiting for trick or treaters that never show, I could be trick or treating with kids instead!

  2. I'm in love with that costume. So cute! Hope you had a great halloween!

  3. This holiday season has been a wonderful time to spend with your son, who is in a good mood. I appreciate your son's costume, which is amazing. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures with us. Keep sharing more articles with us. Now it's time to get Roofing Services in Wayne for more information.
