
Monday, December 17, 2012

diy clay gift tags

the last few weeks before christmas are always some of the most fun (and stressful, let's be honest!). i love picking out the perfect gift for my near and dear, and i love wrapping those presents almost as much as i do picking them out. and it's present wrapping time! this year i thought it would be fun to make some clay gift tags to top my gifts.

i bought white clay at michaels (this stuff), rolled it out 1/4 inch thick, and cut out my shapes. using a straw i poked holes in the top (for string to go through when they are done), then baked them in the oven at 275* for 15 minutes. (oven temperature and cooking times may vary, so make sure to follow the directions that comes with your clay).

after they hardened and cooled, my son and i whipped out our paintbrushes and sharpies and had some fun. i love that they add a really personal element to our gifts, as well as the fact that they can be reused every year.

after a few minutes on pinterest i was able to find some more great ideas using clay to make gift tags and ornaments, too,  here, here, and here.

with the leftover clay we made a little imprint of my son's hand. it's hard to see it in the picture, but now i have his sweet little hand to display on my tree year after year. we did this with this kit when he was a newborn, too. it's crazy to see how much those hands have grown in two years!

happy present wrapping!


  1. This is so simple and so pretty!

  2. Tag you made looks very pretty. I specially love the multi color designed one. You can sell it online and make a good amount of money. I recommend you to share more creative thing with us. Now its time to avail star medical diagnostic for more information.
